domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015


This  is a natural science unit  for the second prymary's grade. It will be about the animal kingdom which children love.
The unit takes a closer look at different groups of animals and the characteristcs that make them different from each other. Children are going to learn a lot of specific vocabulary related to animals' physical apperance; they will also review animal behaviour, their habitat, what they eat and wheter they are viviparous or oviparous. They will learn how to classify animals in different ways and how to create a classification key.

  • To establish links between wild animals and their environment
  • To classify animals by their diet (carnivore, herbivorer omnivore)
  • To identify some mammals and recognise their characteristics
  • To identify the basic characteristics of mammals
  • To identify some birds and name their characteristics
  • To differentiate between mammals and birds 
  •  To learn that some animals lay eggs
  • To learn that some animals are vertebrates andsome are invertebrates
  • To learn the characteristics of reptiles
  • To name the most significant characteristics ofamphibians
  • To name the most significant characteristics of insects
  • To learn about invertebrate animals in the environment
  • To learn about the characteristics of fish and their habitat
  • To classify animals according to their characteristics  

Develop a book of animals, where each student will investigate on an animal (feeding, breeding, characteristics, habitat, etc). It will present the animal to peers using a powerpoint presentation. (Collaboration with parents / mothers will be asked to make the presentation in class). These presentations will be uploaded to the blog of the class.

Sesion 1 Where animals live?
1)      Introduction to animals
a)      Stimulate the pupils’ interest in the topic.
b)      Say all the animals name that children can remember.
2)      Wild and domestic animals.
a)      Complete a chart on the board about wild and domestic animals.
b)      Showing flash card introduce new vocabulary about wild animals (hippo, giraffe..)
3)      Listen and point.
a)      Spread all the animals’ flashcards around the classroom. They had to listen and point the animals that they hear.
b)      Listen and repeat  wild animals’ names
Sesion 2  Let’s learn about animals’ habitat.
1)      Look at the poster

2)      Ask to the pupils:
a)      How many differents animals can you see?
b)      Which animals live in the water/land / trees?
3)      Tick the animals that live in the grassland.
4)      Make a chart about animals that live in the grassland/ trees/ water.

Sesion 3  What do animnals eat?
1.       Ask to the children
a.       What the animals eat?, Do they eat spaghetti?
b.      Do they eat plants?
2.       Watch the video
3.       Show animals’  flash cards and ask :
a.       Do they eat Plants? Are… Herbivores?
b.      Do the same with carnivore and omnivores
4.       Encourage children to choose a flashcard and say: “The lion  eats meat. The lion is a carnivore animal”….
Sesion 4  Mammals
1)      Show the picture of two different mammals.
a)      What do these animals have in common?. Brainstorming(help them with new words)
2)      Watch this animation
a)      Say and write on the board the basic mammals’  characteristics.
b)      Show different animals flash cards and ask to the pupils if they are mammals or not.
3)      Say to the pupils that mammals can live in the water, land and some can fly.
a)      Draw three Venn diagram and write land, water and air.
b)      Pupils have to stick animals flash cards in the right diagram.
4)      Listen and sing the song

Sesion 7  Birds
1)      Listen the song
2)      Spread the birds flashcards around the classroom and leave them in place clearly visible to the pupils, say listen and point.
A parrot is a bird
An eagle is a bird
A flamingo is a bird
A penguin is a bird
A hen is a bird
An owl is a bird
A duck is a bird
3)      Encourage to pupils to repeat the sentences as they point the flash cards.
4)      Watch this video
a)       Say and write on the board the basic birds’ characteristics.
5)      Show a bird or mammal flash card ,ask Is it a mammal?,/ Is it a bird? Why?
6)      Listen the song again.

Sesion 8  Reptiles and amphibians
1)      Watch the video about reptiles
a)      Watch again and write on the board the characteristics of reptiles.
b)      Name some reptiles and show their flashcards.
2)      Watch the video about amphibians
a)      Watch again and write on the board the characteristics of amphibians.
b)      Name some amphibians  and show their flashcards.
3)      Listen the chant (in the book) and number the photos.
Sesion 9  Fish
1)      Play “Guess my animal”. Describe and animal without saying its name. After describing 2 o 3 animals, encourage pupils to do the same with a partner.
2)      Watch the video about the fish
3)      Write on the board the fish’s characteristic.
4)      Ask to the pupils:
a)      What other aniumals have scales?
b)      What other animals have gills?
c)       What other animals lay eggs?
d)      Where do fish live?
5)      Pupils draw a fish in their notebooks and match their body parts.
6)      Watch the video about animals that lives in the water but are not fish
10.- Sesion 10   Insects
1)      Watch the video
2)      Watch the video again, stop when it says an insect characteristic and write it on the board.
3)      Play a guessing game with some known insects.
4)       Photocopy a draw of an insect and label its parts.

Sesion 11 Review
On line games

  What kind of animal is this?

Sesion 12 and 13
Watch this video:

Once the animal has been chosen by each student, we  wiil see this video for help to  how describe the animal.
We will pause for viewing later without seeing him again but stopping at each step and writing on the blackboard the possible characteristics of each section.

Finally each student  will do  his/ her presentation about his/her animal.
Sesion 14 and 15 Show your work
Each pupil will show his her presentation to their partners


You can see much more about the unit here.     

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Unidad CILL 2º primaria "animals"

Pinchando en este enlace podreis descargaros la unidad para segundo de primaria "ANIMALS" .
He tratado de diseñar está unidad de acuerdo con la nueva ley educativa andaluza. He planteado muchos objetivos de aprendizaje, pero muy concretos y facilmente observables. A mi modo de ver el alumnado tendrá muy claro lo que se pretende que aprendan y eso servirá al mismo tiempo de motivación.
Aunque utilizaré muchos recursos de la "red" me gustaría destacar que algunos de ellos son creados por mi.